France: The Mouse That Roared


We shall refer to the story of the small unimportant impoverished little country that provoked a large important wealthy country.  The little country was impoverished because of wrong decisions and policies by their leaders but the leaders managed to make their people feel important.  The leaders knew that they could not keep their charade in place forever for sooner or later their people would discover the truth.  By provoking the important wealthy country the leaders hoped to be bashed just enough to not hurt excessively yet enough to play on the bleeding hearts in the wealthy country.  This of course would make them eligible for financial aid thus ending their impoverishment.  The two countries in our story are the United States and France.


In La Chronique d’Angers we have illuminated a recurring theme of corruption in France born partly from the desire to put ones self interest first even at the expense of others.  Mr. Chirac has put his self interest before not only the French people but those of the world.  Mr. Chirac’s refusal to back the Americans against Iraq and the recent sale of French military arms to Iraq is quite sufficient to substantiate this view.


Mr. Chirac and most all others in the government of France have done a good job of running the country into the ground yet they made a good play on the French nature of arrogance.  They have made the people of their country feel pride and importance yet it is unfounded.  This trickery is referred to a political magic however it is nothing more than victimizing the common citizen.  Mr. Chirac is quick to use words referring to the French as moral, refined, moderate, and highly civilized and the people feel good about this description.  Suddenly they feel important and believe that all will see them as better than the Americans.  However, when the French go home to their cold modest little dwellings by way of their congested filthy streets in their little poorly made machines called automobiles they can take solace that they are of a higher degree of human than all on the planet.  Mr. Chirac has everything under control, or does he?  Perhaps the saying “you can fool some of the people some of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time” may be coming to blind side Mr. Chirac.  We here at La Chronique d’Angers intend to voice our opposition against the government of France and all its subcategories, Mr. Chirac, and the Freemasons within our borders.


We the people of France are tired of the constant barrage of bloated self importance handed to us by the powers of France via the media.  We are tired of paying high taxes for social services designed to cultivate leisure instead of work.  We are tired of the onslaught on our culture from heathen outsiders.  Is France Christian or Islamic?  How soon will the Muslim’s be ripping down our ancient Christian churches because they are offended by their presence?  Watch out Mr. Chirac for we are not all pacified.


The Internet has given the people of France the means to speak out and begin to unite against the “French Corruption” and Mr. Chirac is nicely providing the impetus.  For those in the world who read these words you should know what we write here is against French law.  It is illegal in France to incite racial divergence by way of word in a mass media conveyance.  It is illegal to speak against a ruling by a judge of a court of law.  It is illegal to post a “website” without informing the government of, whom and where, you are as well as the content of the site.  We have violated all these and yes the government has tried to shut us down.  We have taken precautions to keep our voice active and will fight further challenges from the government of France. 


We wish the world to know that there as those in France who are opposed to the corruption and arrogance by officials representing France. 


La Chronique d’Angers       

